Simple Living, Happiness & Gratitude

You Can Buy Happiness (and it’s cheap) – Tammy Strobel

The subtitle of this book is “How one woman radically simplified her life and how you can too” – it’s a great summary of what the book is really. Part story and part guide, she combines an open and honest account of her transition, from all that is a typical western lifestyle to living more simply, with practical actions to take in your own life. It is also backed up by other real life stories and a plethora of references to research, other books and blogs – which makes for a great resource list to satisfy a need for more direction or details. While I found it a little jolty with all the jumping back and forth in time for her own story, overall it is a pleasant and refreshing read with so much worthwhile content to start you on your journey – or further ponder the one you are on.

Happiness by Design (finding pleasure and purpose in everyday life) – Paul Dolan

Comes highly recommended


Thinking Fast and Slow – Daniel Kahneman

Apparently a little tough to get through but well worth it – wisdom on how we think from a Nobel Laureate in economics! (why do so many economists get into the working of the human mind?).

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